Monday, 6 February 2012

Are you Relentless?

Are you Relentless?
Hey hey hey monkeys!

Today, I received an email from a bass player who I haven’t seen in several years. I told him to send his CV in to us, so that we can keep it on file and can contact him when work comes up. He finished his email saying ‘Give me a shout if anything comes up’.

Let me tell you a bit about him, he’s a good player…. Actually no scratch that, he is a fucking monster of a player, lovely guy, he drives, has great gear and is generally a very cool and reliable guy. 

The chances are something will come up in the next few weeks, but will I remember to give him a shout? The answer to this is, I might do, however I might not. I want to let you in on a secret, but don’t tell anybody. When we get calls for musicians, we usually recommend the first guy/girl that pops into our heads. That person popped into my head because they are obviously reliable and dependable and lots of other words ending in ‘ible’ but normally it’s because I had been reminded that day that they exist. 

So if you want work as a musician, start reminding people you exist as a musician on a weekly basis. You don’t have to pester people for work, but simple and creative reminders will make a massive difference.

Here is a text conversation I copied from my phone:
Musician : Hey Damo, not heard from you in  a few months, don’t suppose any work is about as my diary is in need.
Damo : Hey dude nothing yet, but I will push anything I can your way

The reality is, this is bullshit. What it should have said is ‘Oops I forgot all about you because I get similar texts, fb and emails 20 times a day and you faded into insignificance. Harsh, but true.
Over the next few weeks and months, start texting people and emailing them with small reminders you’re alive and keen for any opportunities. Maybe a text saying ‘I’m available for any dep gigs on these dates, please keep me in mind for any work. Post a facebook status right now saying ‘Anyone got any sets for covers bands I can learn in case a gig comes up, so I can be ready?’. Take a phone-video of you saying ‘Hi my name is ….. and I am a drummer looking for some gigs, keep me in mind’

All of these things will keep you in someone’s brain for a couple of days, and it only takes one opportunity to arise and you have ‘The In’. 

Being relentless isn’t about bugging people, it’s about reminding them about you and your playing. The more creative and different ways you can do it the less people will feel you are annoying them.

This blog will go out to a few thousand musicians and if I don’t know you or don’t know you are looking for work, then you have missed a trick!


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